Last week, the ABA Banking Journal Podcast featured the CEO of Esquire Bank, a nationwide bank with a focus on law firm banking. On the second part of this two-part series, the podcast welcomes Kyall Mai, chief innovation officer, to discuss how the bank reaches this niche market. With the goal of getting lawyers (“who are often very difficult to convince,” he notes) to switch banks, Mai emphasizes the need for content marketing, data and top-shelf technology.
Mai discusses Esquire Bank’s content marketing site, LawyerIQ, which has a unique value proposition of educating attorneys on the business side of running a law firm successfully. He explores how LawyerIQ’s AI-driven tailored content helps the bank generate leads in a niche market. He also talks about the bank’s use of Salesforce platforms and other technology services to compete for business.
- If you can’t see the audio player above, click here to listen to this week’s episode.
In this episode:
Chief Innovation Officer
Esquire Bank