Data security and fraud topics dominated ABA’s media agenda in the first quarter of 2016, according to the American Bankers Association’s Public Relations Quarterly Report. Overall, ABA spokespeople fielded 548 media inquiries and the association was featured in 1,120 news stories throughout the quarter. Other top issues included ABA’s Delinquency Bulletin, current legislation on municipal bonds and regulatory relief, economic conditions and mortgage lending, including ABA’s recent survey on the TILA-RESPA integrated disclosures.
ABA successfully placed a total of six op-eds and letters to the editor in outlets like The Hill, American Banker and Morning Consult. In addition, ABA’s 2016 Government Relations Summit — held in March — was covered by more than 50 news outlets, and received more than 900 tweets on the event hashtag #ABASummit.
According to the report, the most downloaded customizable member resources were ABA’s updated Communications Guide, a calendar of financial consumer awareness observances and a customizable press release about lottery scams.