Consumer confidence fell in January
The Consumer Confidence Index was 104.1 in January, down from 109.5 in December, the Conference Board said.
The Consumer Confidence Index was 104.1 in January, down from 109.5 in December, the Conference Board said.
The Consumer Confidence Index was 111.7 in November, up from 109.6 in October, the Conference Board said.
The Consumer Confidence Index was 98.7 in September, down from an upwardly revised 105.6 in August, the Conference Board said.
The Consumer Confidence Index was 100.3 in July, up from 97.8 in June, the Conference Board said.
Roughly one in four Americans said they have a “great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in banks, with ...
The Consumer Confidence Index was 100.4 in June, down from 101.3 in May, the Conference Board said.
The Consumer Confidence Index was 102 in May, up from 97.5 the previous month, the Conference Board said.
The Consumer Confidence Index was 97 in April, down from 103.1 in March, the Conference Board said.
The Consumer Confidence Index was 104.7 in March, essentially unchanged from a downwardly revised 104.8 in February, the Conference Board ...
The Consumer Confidence Index was 106.7 in February, down from 110.9 in January, the Conference Board said.
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