The U.S. Coin Task Force has designated October the month to #GetCoinMoving to highlight coin circulation problems that began during the pandemic and are still ongoing. The Federal Reserve estimates that as many as 15 billion coins are lying dormant with consumers. As a result, the agency is rationing coin orders, making it difficult for banks to meet commercial customer demands. The American Bankers Association will hold a staff coin drive in October to support the #GetCoinMoving effort. Banks that process coin deposits are encouraged to launch consumer campaigns asking customers to redeem coins at their local branches in October. Resources for launching a campaign are available on the U.S. Coin Task Force website.
Survey: Bank customer experience as important as products, services
Nearly nine in 10 people say customer experience is just as important as a bank’s products and services, according to a recent survey. Asked why they left their primary bank, concerns over security was the top reason cited.