As the COVID-19 pandemic has continued the push for more technology in banking, one of the people working to help banks digitize has been ABA SVP and senior counsel for contracts and technology Tom Greco, who was recently profiled in an article for Vanguard Law Magazine.
“We’ve seen during the [COVID-19] pandemic how much can be done remotely, so there’s a demand for apps,” Greco told the magazine. “The question is, have we created the environment that makes it easy for our members to do this?”
In his work advising ABA member banks, Greco works with the association’s IT team to make sure contracts are beneficial to the business from an IT perspective. He also advises on structure and investment opportunities. Greco is experienced in protecting sensitive data, the article notes, having worked for a series of startups starting in 1999, including Cybertrust—where his work focused on the development of public infrastructure and one-time password technology.
For the banking industry, “security has always been a top-of-mind concern,” Greco told Vanguard. “But staying even, or one step ahead, of bad guys is a never-ending challenge.”