Registration is now open for banks wishing to participate in the American Bankers Association Foundation’s 10th annual Lights, Camera, Save! contest. Sponsored this year by Banzai—a free, online financial literacy platform for students of all ages—Lights, Camera, Save! is a national contest that encourages teens to use video to communicate the value of sound money management. Teen participants create up to a 90-second video that demonstrates the importance of using money wisely and submit the video to their local participating bank.
Registered banks will host a first round of judging and select a winner to compete on the national level for several awards, including a grand prize of $5,000, plus a scholarship for a teacher at his or her school to attend the 2020 Jump$tart National Educator Conference.
The ABA Foundation will host a free webinar on Aug. 28 at 2 p.m. EDT for interested banks. Registered banks receive contest materials, PR outreach resources and marketing tools.