Multifamily myths in commercial real estate
The data don’t support a doom narrative on banks’ multifamily CRE exposures. Structural forces predict continued strong performance of multifamily ...
The data don’t support a doom narrative on banks’ multifamily CRE exposures. Structural forces predict continued strong performance of multifamily ...
FinCEN has renewed geographic targeting orders that require U.S. title insurance companies to identify the natural persons behind shell companies ...
Miami is often described as the northernmost city in Latin America, or sometimes as Latin America's business capital. Banesco USA ...
A recent Office of Financial Research brief perpetuates a false—and dangerous—narrative about community bank CRE exposures.
Financial conditions remain restrictive in mid-2024, according to the Federal Reserve's semiannual Monetary Policy Report to Congress released on Friday.
Brent Beardall thinks bankers need to be more comfortable with risk "We're not out there taking crazy risk, but my ...
Publicly available data tell us that CRE losses will be dispersed across borrowers and a wide range of lenders.
Banks reported tightening their commercial real estate lending policies during the first quarter of 2024, according to the Federal Reserve’s ...
Commercial real estate risks can vary substantially, suggesting that aggregate CRE exposure may be a poor measure of risk, economists ...
What's the CEO-eye view on the U.S. economy, business conditions and the regulatory environment for banks?
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