FDIC issues additional Q&As on revised signage requirements
The new Q&As cover key implementation topics such as the use of the digital sign and placement of the official sign in bank branches, the agency said.
The new Q&As cover key implementation topics such as the use of the digital sign and placement of the official sign in bank branches, the agency said.
The top lawmakers on the House Financial Services Committee introduced a bill that would direct regulators to study the potential benefits and risks of AI in the financial and housing markets and propose possible regulations.
ABA has added six banks to the ABA NASDAQ Community Bank Index. The index includes 248 community banks with $240.4 billion in market capitalization.
The Financial Stability Board recently released its 2024 list of global systemically important banks. The list identifies 29 G-SIBs, the same as last year.
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision unanimously reaffirmed their expectation that participating countries implement all aspects of the Basel III framework in full, “consistently and as soon as possible."
Construction spending in October was at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $2.17 trillion, 0.4% above the revised September estimate, the Commerce Department said.
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