In a March 2017 report on regulatory burden reduction, the federal banking agencies committed to review parts of their safety and soundness exam process. The American Bankers Association is working to ensure that this regulator-led review is informed by banker perspectives early in the process. To that end, ABA recently hosted two conference calls with bankers to discuss ways to improve the exam process, streamline exam reports, and make the Uniform Bank Performance Report more accessible and informative.
ABA invited regulators to listen in on both calls to hear these banker perspectives directly. The association will continue working to facilitate an open dialogue between banks and regulators as the exam modernization effort moves forward, as it did for a similar effort to modernize the Call Report. Bankers are invited to submit their specific ideas on how to improve the safety and soundness exam process, exam report or UBPR. To provide feedback, contact ABA’s Rick Freer, Shaun Kern or Barry Mills.