Podcast: What’s next for stablecoin policy and tech
Legislators and regulators are strongly focused on policy related to payment stablecoins, most recently with the passage of the Genius ...
Legislators and regulators are strongly focused on policy related to payment stablecoins, most recently with the passage of the Genius ...
The Senate Banking Committee voted 18-6 in favor of a bill that would create a regulatory framework for payment stablecoins, ...
In comments to lawmakers, ABA offered three principles to guide the establishment of a regulatory framework for payment stablecoins.
The OCC published an interpretive letter rescinding the agency’s policy on bank engagement with cryptocurrency “to reaffirm that a range ...
Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird announced lawsuits against two cryptocurrency ATM operators over alleged failures that allowed Iowans to transfer ...
The Federal Reserve does not prohibit nor discourage banks from providing banking services to any legal business, including cryptocurrency, Federal ...
In a letter to senators, ABA highlighted recent FDIC documentation showing that regulators discouraged banks from fully engaging with digital ...
Republican lawmakers on the House Financial Services Committee offered five recommendations to the FDIC on how to “clarify” digital asset ...
In one of his final speeches as vice chairman for supervision, Federal Reserve Governor Michael Barr pushed back against criticisms ...
ABA joined the Bank Policy Institute and four other financial sector associations in voicing support for an initiative by President ...
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