Regulators Issue Guidance on CIP for Prepaid Cards
The federal financial regulators, along with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, today issued guidance to depository institutions on how to...
The federal financial regulators, along with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, today issued guidance to depository institutions on how to...
The retail industry’s continued emphasis on static technologies impedes innovation and stands in the way of consumer protection, said ABA...
With a retail industry lobbying group visiting Capitol Hill offices this week, ABA sent a memo today to members of...
ABA’s Card Policy Council today called on all consumer-facing industries to implement the latest payment protection technologies and data safeguarding...
Banks are developing new branch models and faster payment platforms to stay ahead of customer choices.
New credit card accounts rose 16.5 percent year-on-year in the third quarter of 2015 to total 78.9 million, according to...
Amid the hoopla over bitcoin and other virtual currencies, it’s the underlying documentation platform that’s revolutionizing transactions.
Nearly all U.S. adults are aware of EMV transition, while 7 in 10 already have a chip card in their...
Adoption of EMV chip technology among both retailers and consumers grew exponentially in 2015, according to new data from Visa.
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