The Consumer Price Index increased 0.1 percent in March, as the indexes for energy and all food items less food and energy rose during the month. Over the last 12 months, the index for all items increased 0.9 percent before seasonal adjustment.
The energy index rose 0.9 percent in March after three consecutive monthly declines. The gasoline index increased 2.2 percent after a 13.0 percent drop in February. Fuel oil also increased for the first time since May 2015, rising by 1.7 percent. Over the past 12 months, the energy index fell 12.6 percent.
Prices for all items less food and energy increased 0.1 percent in March, compared to a 0.3 percent rise in February. Most indices rose slightly, including shelter, medical care, commodities, and apparel. The index for used cars and trucks fell 1.1 percent. Over the past year, the index for all items less food and energy increased 2.2 percent.
The food index fell 0.2 percent in March. The food-at-home index fell 0.5 percent, the largest decline since April 2009, as five of the six major grocery store food indices fell. The food-away-from-home index increased by 0.2 percent. Over the past 12 months, the food index increased 0.8 percent.
Read the BLS release.