On May 7, the federal District Court for the District of Columbia rejected a challenge by the National Association of...
Financial institutions and other businesses need protection from abusive patent trolls, ABA and several trade groups said in a statement...
The Securities and Exchange Commission voted 3-2 yesterday to propose a rule requiring new disclosures concerning companies’ executive compensation.
Patent troll legislation currently before the House Energy and Commerce Committee does too little to protect banks and other businesses...
A novel legal take by the FDIC to bank board decision-making could make it much harder to find qualified bank...
Forthcoming regulations may cause many employees to be reclassified to non-exempt status—with a particularly significant impact on the banking industry.
Two patents for check-imaging processes that were being asserted against banks have been invalidated.
The penalty against Regions is the first imposed by the CFPB related to overdraft fees.
The Supreme Court will decide whether a plaintiff has standing to sue for statutory violations under the Fair Credit Reporting...
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