The administrative committee of ABA’s Government Relations Council convenes today in Washington for its fall meeting. Tomorrow, the GRC will meet jointly with ABA’s Community Bankers Council for its annual fall meeting, which runs through Wednesday.
Guest speakers for the joint GRC/CBC meeting will include Small Business Administration Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet, a former community bank founder, and Mike Allen, chief White House correspondent for Politico.
The GRC develops the annual policy priorities for review by the ABA Board of Directors. Its members will review progress on ABA’s Agenda for America’s Hometown Banks and the Pass Reg Relief Now campaign as well as discuss current regulatory and legislative issues and political engagement. GRC and CBC members will pay visits to lawmakers tomorrow afternoon to advocate for the industry.
The Community Bankers Council — a group of approximately 85 bankers that meets twice a year to advise ABA on top issues facing the nation’s community banks and their customers — meeting will focus on what bank boards need to know about cybersecurity, the current business environment and hot topics like loan loss accounting and overtime rules.