New York Fed: Inflation expectations showed little movement in February
Consumers’ short-term inflation expectations rose slightly in February but remained unchanged in the medium- and long-term horizons, the Federal Reserve ...
Consumers’ short-term inflation expectations rose slightly in February but remained unchanged in the medium- and long-term horizons, the Federal Reserve ...
Consumer inflation expectations in January were unchanged at the short- and medium-term horizons but increased at the longer-term horizon, according ...
Consumer inflation expectations in December 2024 were unchanged at the short-term horizon, increased at the medium-term horizon and decreased at ...
Consumer inflation expectations increased slightly at the short-, medium-, and longer-term horizons in November, the New York Fed said in ...
Credit demand remained stable in 2024 but consumers reported higher rejection rates and said they are less likely to apply ...
Consumer inflation expectations declined slightly at the short-, medium-, and longer-term horizons in October, the New York Fed said in ...
Consumer inflation expectations remained unchanged at the short-term horizon in September but grew slightly at the medium- and longer-term horizons, ...
Consumer inflation expectations remained unchanged at the short- and longer-term horizons but rebounded slightly at the medium-term horizon after a ...
The number of people who reported searching for a job in the past four weeks increased to 28.4%, the highest ...
Perceptions about households’ current financial situations deteriorated slightly with more respondents reporting being worse off than a year ago, and ...
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