Cloud services: Outsourcing the service, but not risk
Banks must have strong risk-management practices in place when using third-party cloud service providers, starting with contract language.
Banks must have strong risk-management practices in place when using third-party cloud service providers, starting with contract language.
As Treasury plans to take a number of steps to assist financial institutions in reducing risk from the operational disruption ...
Treasury plans to convene an interagency cloud services steering committee to develop closer cooperation among U.S. regulators and develop best ...
Cloud migration was a big deal for banks before COVID, but it kicked into a higher gear than ever as ...
Which applications can be moved safely as they are, which ones should be modernized before they are moved and which ...
By understanding the common aspects of cloud migration, banks can create a plan for adopting and deploying the most effective ...
Effective cybersecurity practice means new focuses and a new culture for a digital age.
Seven in 10 bank IT executives said they see incorporating cloud technology into products as a key way to help ...
Banks of all sizes are hearing from many customers that they want exposure to the fast-growing but volatile cryptocurrency market. ...
The cloud helped banks respond to the pandemic, but it can do even more.
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