Restructuring the Farm Credit System—Why Now and How to Do It
The FCS, America’s least known government-sponsored-enterprise, has an excessively complex and increasingly obsolete organizational structure. ... Simplifying the structure of...
Bert Ely is a consultant specializing in banking issues. He writes ABA's Farm Credit Watch.
The FCS, America’s least known government-sponsored-enterprise, has an excessively complex and increasingly obsolete organizational structure. ... Simplifying the structure of...
As bankers know all too well, farmers and ranchers are suffering from a sustained period of low commodity prices, rising...
A recent Farm Credit System loan for $2 million to finance a new Exxon gas station and convenience store in...
Dallas Tonsager, chairman and CEO of the Farm Credit Administration died of lymphoma on May 21; he was 64. Tonsager...
In its recently issued Annual Information Statement for 2018, the FCS reported after-tax profits for 2018 of $5.33 billion and...
On Aug.1, Farm Credit Mid-America (MidAm), the second largest FCS association, announced at a PGA Tour event that it was...
So far, the 2018 House and Senate Farm Bills now pending in Congress would have a minor impact on the...
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