The maximum conforming loan limits for mortgages the Federal Housing Administration will insure will increase in 2019, the agency said today. The loan limit in lower-cost areas will be $314,827, or 65 percent of the national conforming loan limit of $484,350. In high-cost areas, the limit will be $726,525, the FHA said. FHA-insured reverse mortgages will be capped at $726,525. Approximately 82 percent of U.S. counties are considered lower-cost areas, with 2.3 percent at the ceiling and the rest somewhere in between.
Agencies eliminate PSPA restrictions on Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac conservatorships
FHFA and Treasury Department will delete provisions in the preferred stock purchase agreements governing the conservatorships of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that were previously suspended after multiple groups raised concerns about their effects on housing markets.