In a recent interview with Forbes, Arizona Bankers Association President and CEO Paul Hickman described banking as a “righteous career,” highlighting the critical role that bankers play in the lives of consumers and local businessowners in their communities.
Hickman illustrated the nature of relationship banking with an anecdote from a member banker that had helped a local small business owner get off to a successful start. When the economy turned in the mid-2000s and the business began to lose money, the bank was faced with a choice: shut it down, or work with the customer to adjust the terms of the loan. The bank took the chance, and ultimately the business was able to survive the crisis and remains a loyal bank customer today.
Hickman also commented on the role that ethics plays in banking, and noted that the industry must continue to “beat the drum” on the importance of ethical conduct. “You’ve got to be beyond reproach . . . otherwise you’re not going to have the confidence you need to do your job from your constituents, from your clients and your customers.”