Fed Nominee Quarles ‘Fully Supports’ Tailored Regulation
During his confirmation hearing today, Randal Quarles -- President Trump’s nominee to serve as Federal Reserve vice chairman for supervision...
During his confirmation hearing today, Randal Quarles -- President Trump’s nominee to serve as Federal Reserve vice chairman for supervision...
ABA today welcomed the recent introduction of the Systemic Risk Designation Improvement Act by Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-Mo.).
House lawmakers today voted to overturn the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s controversial final arbitration rule by a vote of 231...
ABA wrote to Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) today in support of S. 1500, a bipartisan bill that would update Section...
In a statement for the record in a Senate Agricultural Committee hearing on commodities, credit and crop insurance, ABA today...
The federal banking agencies last week began taking steps to address certain challenges with implementing the Volcker Rule.
Together with state bankers associations representing all 50 states and Puerto Rico, the American Bankers Association today wrote to House...
In a New York Times letter today responding to exaggerated claims about bankers’ regulatory relief efforts, ABA President and CEO...
Testifying before the Senate Banking Committee today on behalf of ABA, banker Brenda Hughes called for Congress to move ahead...
In a long-awaited speech today, Acting Comptroller of the Currency Keith Noreika embraced the OCC’s plans to issue special purpose...
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