As promised in March, the Clearing House today named two community bankers to the Real-Time Payments Business Committee. The committee provides input and guidance to the RTP network, a new real-time core payments system operated by TCH. The community bankers plus two credit union executives join representatives of TCH’s member banks on the committee.
Newly added to the committee are Chris Richards, SVP and chief banking services officer at Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank, Orleans, Mass., and Kathy Strasser, EVP and COO at River Valley Bank in Wausau, Wis. Named as alternates were Jim Reuter, president and CEO of Lakewood, Colo.-based FirstBank, and Jeff Dick, chairman and CEO of MainStreet Bank, Fairfax, Va. The new members will serve three-year terms.
“The new seats on the RTP Business Committee expand the type and number of financial institutions that help govern the RTP network,” TCH said in a press release. “TCH remains committed to connecting financial institutions of all sizes to the RTP network, with flat pricing and no volume discounts or monthly minimums.” TCH President and CEO Jim Aramanda is set to discuss RTP with American Bankers Association President and CEO Rob Nichols during ABA’s Payments Forum tomorrow morning.