According to the ADP National Employment report, the private sector added 237,000 jobs in June, as both the goods-producing and service-providing sectors experienced increased job growth. The June report upwardly revised the May and April headline numbers by 2,000 and 14,000 respectively.
Small businesses, companies with fewer than 49 employees, added 120,000 jobs, unchanged from May. Medium businesses, companies with 50 to 499 employees, added 86,000 jobs, up from 63,000 in May. Large businesses, companies with greater than 500 employees added 32,000 jobs, up from 19,000 in May.
Goods-producing employment rose by 12,000 jobs, up 1,000 jobs from the previous month. Manufacturing gained 7,000 jobs after losing 9,000 over the previous three months.
Service-providing sector employment rose by 225,000 jobs, up from 192,000 in May. Professional/business services contributed the largest gain, adding 61,000. Trade/transportation/utilities added 50,000 jobs, and financial activities added 19,000 jobs.