Treasury Issues Recommendations on Capital Markets Regulatory Reform
As part of its ongoing response to President Trump’s executive order outlining core principles for financial regulation, the Treasury Department ...
As part of its ongoing response to President Trump’s executive order outlining core principles for financial regulation, the Treasury Department ...
ABA staff recently met with officials at the Treasury Department, which is in the process of issuing recommendations related to ...
As the ABA Securities Association and other trade groups have urged, the Federal Reserve and the OCC today issued guidance ...
With a March 1 compliance deadline looming for when swap dealers and major swap participants must exchange variation margin for ...
The House yesterday voted 239-182 to pass the Commodity End-User Relief Act that would reauthorize the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission today issued an order delaying the termination date of the phase-in period of the swap ...
The OCC today proposed a rule that would establish restrictions on qualified financial contracts -- such as derivative transactions, repurchase ...
The federal banking agencies are issuing a final rule affirming that swaps and security-based swaps that are not cleared through ...
ABA and the ABA Securities Association today wrote to U.S. regulators urging them to re-align their timeline for implementing the ...
The Federal Reserve today proposed a rule that would establish restrictions on qualified financial contracts -- such as derivative transactions, ...
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