Treasury Releases Details on Tax Proposals to Fund Proposed Budget
The Treasury Department on Friday released its “Green Book,” which contains details on the tax changes that the Biden administration...
The Treasury Department on Friday released its “Green Book,” which contains details on the tax changes that the Biden administration...
The Treasury Department today released a report further detailing its proposals to shrink the tax gap as part of the...
During a virtual roundtable hosted by the Financial Accounting Standards board today, investors, bankers and regulators expressed broad agreement on...
The American Bankers Association urged the IRS yesterday to delay the use of new draft forms W-4P and W-4R, which...
Agencies propose requiring that national banks, state banks and savings associations that file tax returns as part of a consolidated...
Under the recently enacted American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, small and midsize employers with fewer than 500 employees may...
In a letter to the Internal Revenue Service this week, the American Bankers Association and several insurance trade groups reiterated...
The Treasury Department today provided additional details on the Biden administration’s proposed changes to the U.S. tax code.
Following an announcement from the Internal Revenue Service earlier this month extending the filing date for individual tax returns from...
With Democrats now in control of the White House and Congress, tax increases could be on the horizon.
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