Bakari Sellers, a CNN political analyst and former South Carolina Democratic state legislator who at one time was the youngest African-American elected official in the nation, and Republican strategist Leslie Sanchez, a CBS News political contributor and a former White House official under President George W. Bush, will be keynote speakers at the American Bankers Association’s Washington Summit, to be held March 23-25 in Washington, D.C. Sellers and Sanchez will discuss the national political landscape just three weeks after Super Tuesday, the single primary day when the most Democratic nominating delegates will be up for grabs.
The ABA Summit is the largest annual gathering of banking leaders in the nation’s capital, giving bankers a unique opportunity to advocate for meaningful changes that grow the economy and give bank customers more choices. Registration is free for bankers, bank directors and trustees and ABA service members. Attendees are also encouraged to register for ABA’s Mutual Community Bank Forum, Emerging Leaders Forum and Women’s Leadership Forum, all of which are held in conjunction with the Summit.