House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) today signaled that he may drop efforts to amend S. 2155, the bipartisan regulatory reform bill passed by the Senate last month. To date, Hensarling has expressed a desire to add additional regulatory relief provisions to the bill.
At a U.S. Chamber of Commerce event, Hensarling expressed openness toward advancing additional proposals in a separate bill. “I’m far more wedded to substance than form,” he said. “I’d be happy to attend multiple signing ceremonies in the White House. The more pens the merrier. I would prefer it be in 2155, but, if not, we’re certainly open to other pathways.”
ABA President and CEO Rob Nichols also spoke at the event and praised Hensarling for the House committee’s contributions to the Senate bill, which includes 42 separate provisions originated or passed by the House panel. Nichols also expressed support for Congress taking further steps this year to help right-size financial regulation.