The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau today issued a request for information seeking feedback on its adopted regulations and new rulemaking authorities — the eighth in an ongoing series of RFIs designed to provide the CFPB with input on how it is fulfilling its statutory obligations and how to improve outcomes for both consumers and covered entities.
The public is invited to submit comments on the CFPB’s final rulemakings since 2011, with the exception of its 2015 HMDA rule and 2017 payday lending rule, which the bureau has already announced plans to revisit. Among other things, commenters are invited to provide feedback on aspects of the bureau’s regulations that could be better tailored, create unintended consequences, overlap or conflict with existing regulations, are incompatible or misaligned with new technologies or could be modified to provide greater consumer protection. For more information, or to provide input for ABA’s comments, contact ABA’s Virginia O’Neill.